Monday, October 09, 2006


Freedom is not having any secrets. When you don't have any secrets, no confessions to make - that is when you are completely free. Whatever it is you have on your chest - get it off! Don't let it weigh you down! After all, when you have something on your chest, it gets harder to breathe.

Don't let any words go unsaid, express yourself - don't let your emotions become a secret. Don't let them prevent you from being free. If you have something to say, just say it! What's the worst that could happen? However, if you have issues with someone, say it to their face. Don't start the whole world laughing behind their back.

Freedom is being free from regrets; it is never saying 'I wish I did that...' or 'I wish I didn't do that...' - it's not wishing for anything! When you wish for things you become a slave of desire. All you have to do to stop this from happening is accept things the way they are. Don't dwell on the past - what's done is done. You can't change what happened, but you can change what's going to.


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